
ßhCG是胎盘在妊娠期分泌的一种激素。它可诱导产生雌激素和孕酮,同时抑制母体免疫系统,维持胎儿生长[4, 5]。
大部分妊娠检查都会测定ßhCG水平,在妊娠期的前几周, ßhCG可在血液和尿液样本中检测到,但通常在血液中浓度更高。怀孕后约11天,妊娠血液检查即能检测到ßhCG,比标准尿液检查可提前数天[6]。大部分妊娠检查都会测定ßhCG水平,在妊娠期的前几周, ßhCG可在血液和尿液样本中检测到,但通常在血液中浓度更高。怀孕后约11天,妊娠血液检查即能检测到ßhCG,比标准尿液检查可提前数天[6]。

了解雷度米特AQT90 FLEX全自动荧光免疫分析仪检测ßhCG的优势:
1. NICE guideline [NG126] Published date: 17 April 2019
2. Tintinalli J, Thomas S, Ma J, et al. Emergency Medicine, A Comprehensive Study Guide, McGraw-Hill Education, Oct. 2019
3. Fromm C, Likourezos A, Haines L, et al. Substituting whole blood for urine in a bedside pregnancy test. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(3): 478–82.
4. Korevaar TIM, Steegers EAP, de Rijke EB, et al. Reference ranges and determinants of total hCG levels during pregnancy: the generation R study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2015; 30: 1057–66.
5. Castillo JC, Humaidan P, Bernabéu R. Pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART. Biomed Research International. 2014; Art.ID. 580171.
6. Chard T., REVIEW: Pregnancy tests: a review. Human Reproduction. 1992; 7: 701–710.
7. Niebyl JR. Drug use in pregnancy and lactation. In: Pearlman MD, Tintinalli JE, eds. Emergency Care of the Woman. New York: McGraw Hill; 1998: 165–178.
8. British Institute of Radiology, Society and College of Radiographers and the Royal Society of Radiologists. A guide to understanding the implications of Ionising Radiation (Medical exposure). Regulations in diagnostic and interventional radiology. London; The Royal Society of Radiologists, 2015.
9. Gottlieb et al. Comparison of Urine and Whole Blood Pregnancy Testing. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016; 17:449–453
2. Tintinalli J, Thomas S, Ma J, et al. Emergency Medicine, A Comprehensive Study Guide, McGraw-Hill Education, Oct. 2019
3. Fromm C, Likourezos A, Haines L, et al. Substituting whole blood for urine in a bedside pregnancy test. J Emerg Med. 2012;43(3): 478–82.
4. Korevaar TIM, Steegers EAP, de Rijke EB, et al. Reference ranges and determinants of total hCG levels during pregnancy: the generation R study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2015; 30: 1057–66.
5. Castillo JC, Humaidan P, Bernabéu R. Pharmaceutical options for triggering of final oocyte maturation in ART. Biomed Research International. 2014; Art.ID. 580171.
6. Chard T., REVIEW: Pregnancy tests: a review. Human Reproduction. 1992; 7: 701–710.
7. Niebyl JR. Drug use in pregnancy and lactation. In: Pearlman MD, Tintinalli JE, eds. Emergency Care of the Woman. New York: McGraw Hill; 1998: 165–178.
8. British Institute of Radiology, Society and College of Radiographers and the Royal Society of Radiologists. A guide to understanding the implications of Ionising Radiation (Medical exposure). Regulations in diagnostic and interventional radiology. London; The Royal Society of Radiologists, 2015.
9. Gottlieb et al. Comparison of Urine and Whole Blood Pregnancy Testing. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016; 17:449–453
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