
ABL90 FLEX血气分析仪
AQT 90 FLEX 全自动荧光免疫分析仪
- Procalcitonin used in the emergency room by Alain Viallon
- Point-of-care cardiac markers in the Emergency Department are safe, reduce admissions and do not impact the 4-hour target by James Griffiths, Julian Humphrey
- POCT in emergency rooms: One key factor for process streamlining with Lean Management by Verena Stockfisch
- Decentralized clinical biochemistry - introducing point-of-care testing to the emergency environment by Patrick Plaisance
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4. Salvagno et al, Analytical evaluation of Radiometer ABL90 FLEX PLUS enzymatic creatinine assay, Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine. Published: 06 August 2019.
5. Higgins, C, Urea and the clinical value of measuring blood urea concentration, August 2016, https://acutecaretesting.org/en/articles/urea-and-the-clinical-value-of-measuring-blood-urea-concentration
6. Higgins, C, Urea and creatinine concentration, the urea:creatinine ratio, October 2016, https://acutecaretesting.org/en/articles/urea-and-creatinine-concentration-the-urea-creatinine-ratio
7. Nørgaard B, Mogensen CB. Blood sample tube transportation system versus point of care technology in an ED; effect on time from collection to reporting? A randomized trial. SJTREM 2012; 20, 71.
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