由于急性期反应的非特异性及其引起的CRP水平升高,CRP不能单独用于诊断任何病症 [2]。
然而,CRP可以为如脓毒症等多种感染的诊断提供支持性证据。例如,当存在某些症状(如高热和呼吸频率增加)时,CRP值可用于诊断炎性病症或感染,这些炎症和感染可能发展成脓毒症 [2]。
CRP与 降钙素原(PCT)测试 结合可以有效区分全身炎症和脓毒症 [2]。 脓毒症的起因是不受控制的对感染的免疫应答,具有接近30%的死亡率 [3]。
CRP、PCT和 乳酸 等生物标志物或其组合与感染的严重性相关,并且提供与患者的临床病程相关的预后价值 [2, 4]。
如果乳酸浓度超过2.0 mmol / L,则是严重的器官灌注不足的迹象,可能导致败血性休克,死亡率约为50% [3-5]。
1. Faix J. Biomarkers of sepsis. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 2013 Jan; 50(1): 23-36.
2. Castelli FP, et al. Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein during systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis and organ dysfunction. Crit Care 2004; 8(4):234-42
3. Brun-Buisson C. The epidemiology of the systemic inflammatory response. Intensive Care Med. 2000, Vol.26 Suppl 1: 64-74.
4. Freund Y, et al. Serum lactate and procalcitonin measurements in emergency room for the diagnosis and risk-stratification of patients with suspected infection. Biomarkers 2012; 17(7): 590-6
5. Bakker J, et al. Serial blood lactate levels can predict the development of multiple organ failure following septic shock. Am J Surg 1996; 171: 221-6.
2. Castelli FP, et al. Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein during systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis and organ dysfunction. Crit Care 2004; 8(4):234-42
3. Brun-Buisson C. The epidemiology of the systemic inflammatory response. Intensive Care Med. 2000, Vol.26 Suppl 1: 64-74.
4. Freund Y, et al. Serum lactate and procalcitonin measurements in emergency room for the diagnosis and risk-stratification of patients with suspected infection. Biomarkers 2012; 17(7): 590-6
5. Bakker J, et al. Serial blood lactate levels can predict the development of multiple organ failure following septic shock. Am J Surg 1996; 171: 221-6.
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